dan bach
"the math jock"

dan's math books

Dan Bach has authored several print textbooks, multimedia CD-ROMs, website lessons, and interactive multi-touch iBooks.


Modern e-books and interactive iBooks

  • interactive multi-touch (iBooks format for iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch)

  • e-books (kindle and epub format, fewer 3D features)

  • PDFs (less interactivity, view almost anywhere)


Dan's multi-touch iBook
"3D Curves and Surfaces"
AVAILABLE in Apple Books Store!

BUY NOW: Click the badge below or the book cover at right to buy or get a free sample!


Print Textbooks:


Beginning Algebra:
Solutions for a Variable World
by Dan Bach

Math for a Variable World

Dan Bach / Patricia Leitner

Multimedia Lessons (Digital/CD-ROM)

  • Dan's Basic Skills Math Clinic (arithmetic, prealgebra, beginning algebra)

  • Precalculus and Mathematica (interactive notebooks from the 1990s)

  • Linear Algebra and Mathematica (more interactive notebooks)

  • Dr. Bach's Math Clinic (hypercard stacks from 1989-90!)